Doctor-ese: The Secret Language of Physicians
Doctor-ese: The Secret Language of Physicians
Doctors learn a lingo of their own to communicate with other health care providers. Here are the secret terms doctors and nurses use when not around patients:
Blame storming: When everyone pins blame on someone else after a medical disaster.
Bloodsuckers/Leeches/Vampires: Phlebotomists
Bonehead: Orthopedic
Brain fry: ECT
Bug Juice: Antibiotics
Bun in the oven: Pregnant
Bunny Boiler: Psychiatrically unbalanced woman, based on the "mistress" in the movie “Fatal Attraction.”
Crock: A patient who fakes symptoms for secondary gain.
Crump: To go down the tubes medically.
Chandelier sign: Any test or probing that hurts the patient so much the doctor has to pull him or her off the chandelier.
D&D: Divorced and desperate—a divorced woman who trumps up symptoms just to come flirt with an attractive, unmarried doctor.
DBI: Dirt bag Index. Calculated by multiplying the number of tattoos a patient has by the number of missing teeth.
Dr. Feelgood: A doctor who indiscriminately prescribes pain pills or nerve pills.
DSTO: Dog smarter than owner. (A favorite of veterinarians!)
Fascinoma: A fascinating case.
The Fruit salad: The Psychiatric ward
Gobbler sign: Turkeys who show up in the ER for stupid reasons.
Gorked out: Lying in the bed unresponsive, due to medications or medical condition.
Granny dump: Elderly mothers/grandmothers dumped in the hospital with trumped up symptoms on Friday night so the caregivers can get away for the weekend.
Incarceritis: A dubious illness trumped up by those incarcerated to get out of prison.
Janitor’s fracture: A bone so obviously fractured even the janitor could diagnose it.
Laying the Crepe: Notifying a family that a loved one is in dire shape so they won’t be shocked when the patient finally dies.
Lipstick sign: When a woman in the hospital is well enough to apply lipstick, she is well enough to be discharged.
MGM sign: Theatrics put on by a patient to get attention or pain meds.
Michelin’s sign: The multiple rolls of belly fat on an obese patient.
Microdeckia: Stupid patient operating with “half a deck.”
M&Ms: Morbidity and Mortality conference where interns are interrogated and scolded for any potential mistake they made that could have sped up a patient’s death or led to complications.
Moo Moo Movers: The blue sheets which nurses use to transfer obese patients.
Navel Gazers: Insulting name for internists used by surgeons.
Neurofecal Syndrome: A patient who has sh%$ for brains.
OFIGATOOS: One foot in grave and the other one slipping.
Pillow therapy: Threats to smother an annoying or whiny patient with a pillow, thereby putting both the patient and doctor out of misery.
Pneumocephalic: An airhead.
Quackopractor: Insulting name for a chiropractor used by doctors.
Rectospectoscope: Looking back at a botched medical case with hindsight.
Scumdex: One point for every tattoo, extra piercing, and missing tooth.
Shotgunning: Trying everything to treat a patient when you don’t know what’s wrong with him or how to fix him; can also include ordering every test conceivable in hopes of coming up with a diagnosis by sheer luck.
Butchers/Slashers: Insulting name for surgeons used by internists.
Stream team: Urologists
Train Wreck: A patient so sick he’ll keep the admitting intern up all night; patients so sick they don't have a heathy organ in their entire body.
Parentectomy: Term used by pediatricians when they kick the hovering, coddling parents of shrieking children out of the room.
The Vegetable Garden: The Neurointensive care unit where patients lay comatose like vegetables.